Lake of Isles Scout Reservation Programs

LOISR offered many programs - camp wide and in individual departments

Camp wide Programs

Camp had many camp wide activities that everyone took part in. From Campfires, Retreats, Staff Shows or Hunts, and of course the Dining Hall.

Camp Fire
Camp Fire

Camp had many camp wide activities that everyone took part in. From Campfires, Retreats, Staff Shows or Hunts, and of course the Dining Hall

Staff Shows
Staff Shows

The staff show was performed in the dinning hall by the staff.


The Best Of Scouting Skills allowed each troop to compete for the tittle of B.O.S.S. Troops would complete in camp wide contest to earn points to win this award.


Every evening the entire camp would gather on the field for retreat. The flags were retired (Canon would go off) and announcements and awards were given


The Best Of Scouting Skills allowed each troop to compete for the tittle of B.O.S.S. Troops would complete in camp wide contest to earn points to win this award.

Staff Hunts
Staff Hunts

Some weeks the camp would hold staff hunt. Staff would go out and hide anywhere in the camp. Campers would hunt down the staff, catch them and bring them down to the waterfront and get pushed in the lake.


Aquatics at the waterfront was the largest program departments that offered the following merit badges: Swimming, Life Saving, Rowing, Canoeing, and Small Boat Sailing. By far the most popular activity was Polar Bear Swim. The Water Front also offered many Troop activities such as Greased Watermelon, War Canoe, and one year we had a Rope Bridge between two tripods.

Polar Bear
Polar Bear

Every morning at 7AM there was Polar Bear swim. Scouts would come down before breakfast and jump in the lake and sing silly songs. Often the air was colder then the lake so the scouts wanted to stay in the water instead of getting up on to the docks to dance around. If you make it down 4 out of 5 days, you would get a polar bear neckerchief slide.

Greased Watermelon
Greased Water Melon

Take one watermelon, grease it up with Crisco, throw it in the beginners area and the game is on. Each side had to push this barely floating grease melon to the opponents side to score

War Canoe
War Canoe

One or more troops could take out the war canoes and tour the lake. At the end they would splash each other and try to swamp the other canoe.

Rope Bridge
Rope Bridge

One year we had two tripods set up off shore and made a rope bridge between them.

Staff after dark

1985 Night Time Program
Milk Crate Stacking Contest
Milk Crate Stacking Contest

At the end of camp season, staff mambers would stack all the empty mil crates as high as possible. We generally did this while waiting to leave for the staff banquet. Would would find them blown over across the entire driveway when we returned.

Tired staff at Mr. Picher
Tired staff at Mr. Picher

If we were lucky, some staff members made it out to Mr. Pizza, aka Mr. Picher. After a long day at camp and a few beers, some of us would fall asleep. I won't name this.

Mr. Pizza Bumper Sticker